Feedly. Your news reader v26.0.6

Feedly. Your news reader v26.0.6

The web is an ocean of knowledge and inspiration. Everyday, new blogs, YouTube channels, Tumblrs and RSS feeds are flourishing. The feedly reader lets you curate and read what matters to you.

Millions of people use feedly every day on their Android phones and tablets to connect to the blogs and news sites that matter to them. From tech to business to design to cooking to fashion, feedly helps you discover new Youtube channels, blogs or news sites you can add to your feedly and easily read in one place.

Because it is powered by RSS, feedly is an open system: you can add any RSS feed to your feedly and easily read the content of your favorite feeds on the go. Just enter the URL of a feed in the search bar.

Feedly integrates seamlessly with Facebook, Twitter, Evernote, Buffer, OneNote, Pinterest and LinkedIn so that you can easily share the stories you read in your feedly with your friends and colleagues.

We believe in speed and simplicity. We spent a lot of time making sure that feedly is the best reader available on Android phones and tablets. The app loads fast and offer a simple and clean reading experience which will make your eyes happy.
The best way to start is to search of a blog and youtube channel you read regularly and add it to your

If you are looking for inspiration, you can open the search panel and browse some of our popular topics and discover the best blogs for tech, business, marketing, entrepreneurship, design, cooking, photography and more.

What's New
New in 26.0.5
[FIXED] Cut and paste issue in the explore plane
[FIXED] Broken link in the google news feeds
[FIXED] Edge swipe to open left navigation panel and right explore panel
If you have questions, please email hello@feedly.com. We are here to help.
Happy reading!



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