Smart IR Remote - AnyMote v2.2.5b

Smart IR Remote - AnyMote v2.2.5b

The only Universal Smart Remote Control for TVs and Home Electronics you'll ever need!
Smart IR Remote is the only IR remote universal app for Android that you'll ever need: it's smart, with a device coverage that is huge (800000 devices, with more added daily and on request), and it's the only one that makes use of features only your phone/tablet have, that a plastic remote (like the Logitech Harmony) never will. As IR remote controls go, especially android remote controls, you'll never find one better!

Not compatible with Huawei, Xiaomi or Sony phones. Of all phones/tablets by LG, only compatible with the G3 (still in Beta, sending only, not recording. Not compatible with LG G3 A or LG G3 S)
Don't have a supported phone or tablet? Check out AnyMote Home:
Smart Remote works with any Samsung, HTC and Medion Lifetab devices with an InfraRed Blaster, and most other brand phone/tablet with an IR Blaster that runs Android 4.4 or above provided originally by the manufacturer. Even better, Smart IR Remote also works on most custom ROMs like CyanogenMod.

Smart IR Remote is an universal smart remote control that can command almost anything that receives InfraRed commands, like a TV, Set Top Box (cable and satellite box), DVD, BluRay player, VCR, Amplifier, Air Conditioner, AV Receiver, DSLR camera, etc. Better yet, you can combine your remotes into smart remotes (activities) so that on your custom remote you'll have the volume buttons to your surround system, the channel buttons to control your set top box and the display buttons to control your TV. It's the only Android universal tv remote that can do that, while controlling any other device too!

What's New
<b>If you use 4.4.3 / 4.4.4 on a custom ROM or a Note 4 / Galaxy S5 and the app doesn't work properly for you, please send us an email at and we'll fix it for you. There are issues with Samsung's latest phones and there are issues with custom ROMs that we can fix.
Support for LG G3 still in Beta
- added Android 5.0 support
- made left-side remote grid editable
- improved grid editor

Smart IR Remote - AnyMote v2.2.5bSmart IR Remote - AnyMote v2.2.5b

Smart IR Remote - AnyMote v2.2.5b

Smart IR Remote - AnyMote v2.2.5bSmart IR Remote - AnyMote v2.2.5b

Require 4.0.3 and Up & File Size 13mb



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