MoboPlayer Pro v1.3.287

MoboPlayer Pro v1.3.287

The very best video player on Android! Watch any of your videos on a android phone without conversion, anytime & anywhere.

We feature the very best playback experience & quality.

Our video player supports:
Most video forms (need to choose "software decoding" function practically in most cases)
Favorite subtitle forms like SRT, BUM, and SAA
Subtitles built in MKV, MPV, CONVEY, and others
Multi-audio avenues and multi-subtitles
Playlists and ongoing engage in upon same kind documents
Video tutorials streamed by way of HTTP, RTSP practices
Press your local library and kind video lessons through kind
Thumbnail displays of videos

What's New
fixed:Play state is not coincident between the float window & full screen mode
fixed:Play state is not coincident after the user-defined player scale
fixed:Part of UI is not complete after change the screen orientation
fixed:Scan option & media list is lost some times.

MoboPlayer Pro v1.3.287MoboPlayer Pro v1.3.287

MoboPlayer Pro v1.3.287MoboPlayer Pro v1.3.287

Require 2.0 and Up & File Size 6.1mb



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